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# lsvg -l datavg
datavg:LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINTlv_asm jfs 2400 2400 2 closed/syncd N/A# lspv hdisk0 0006c86a0451ed0f rootvg activehdisk1 000e5e0cb4179dce dsgvg activehdisk2 000e5e0cb3d4c86c dsgvg activehdisk3 000e5e0cb3d53940 datavg2 activehdisk4 000e5e0cb3d59d35 datavg activehdisk5 000e5e0cb3d5f310 datavg activehdisk6 000e5e0cb3d656b6 datavg activehdisk7 000e5e0cb3d6b725 datavg2 activehdisk8 000e5e0cb3eca697 rootvg active# reducevg datavg hdisk40516-016 ldeletepv: Cannot delete physical volume with allocated partitions. Use either migratepv to move the partitions or reducevg with the -d option to delete the partitions.0516-884 reducevg: Unable to remove physical volume hdisk4.# reducevg -d datavg hdisk40516-914 rmlv: Warning, all data belonging to logical volume lv_asm on physical volume hdisk4 will be destroyed.rmlv: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o)? y# # # lspv hdisk0 0006c86a0451ed0f rootvg activehdisk1 000e5e0cb4179dce dsgvg activehdisk2 000e5e0cb3d4c86c dsgvg activehdisk3 000e5e0cb3d53940 datavg2 activehdisk4 000e5e0cb3d59d35 None hdisk5 000e5e0cb3d5f310 datavg activehdisk6 000e5e0cb3d656b6 datavg activehdisk7 000e5e0cb3d6b725 datavg2 activehdisk8 000e5e0cb3eca697 rootvg active# reducevg -d datavg hdisk50516-914 rmlv: Warning, all data belonging to logical volume lv_asm on physical volume hdisk5 will be destroyed.rmlv: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o)? yrmlv: Logical volume lv_asm is removed.# reducevg -d datavg hdisk6ldeletepv: Volume Group deleted since it contains no physical volumes.# # # lsvg rootvgdsgvgdatavg2已经被删除
# lspvhdisk0 0006c86a0451ed0f rootvg activehdisk1 000e5e0cb4179dce dsgvg activehdisk2 000e5e0cb3d4c86c dsgvg activehdisk3 000e5e0cb3d53940 datavg2 activehdisk4 000e5e0cb3d59d35 None hdisk5 000e5e0cb3d5f310 None hdisk6 000e5e0cb3d656b6 None hdisk7 000e5e0cb3d6b725 datavg2 activehdisk8 000e5e0cb3eca697 rootvg active#总结:AIX中没有删除VG的命令,欲删除一个VG,只要将此VG中的PV全部移除即可